About us

WELCOME web explorer!

You’ve reached a unique portal of divine awakening through adornments

DESERT MONSOON was born in the desert during the monsoon. Our mission bloomed from the dust. This space is driven by our desire to uplift the women and next generation of our Tribe.

Here we feel grateful for the ability to connect with you through this web. We hope you find joy in our unique crafty creations, clothing and treasures. It is all for you to invoke and embody the funky tribal, mystical gypsy, earthy energy. Inspired by our roots.

We encourage you to embody a free-spirited nature and adorn yourself while simultaneously caring for the women who are the backbone and the future generation of our tribe.

. ˚✧˖°.𖦹⋆⭒˚ With love from our tribe to you,

Desert Monsoon. 

Behind the Scenes of Desert Monsoon.

Thank you so much for making it on to Desert Monsoon and taking the time to explore our website! It means the world to me.

Love from Khush, the creator of Desert Monsoon.